Author: David Pye

NHS pic
Employee health

Are we all losing in the big NHS waiting game?

After two years of isolation, testing, lockdowns, and face masks; everyone seems to be grateful that we are finally learning to live with COVID-19. Since March 2020, the virus has been all over the daily news, ...


SMEs need to review their pension provider

It’s well-known that many of us remain with the same providers for insurance, utilities, mortgages and so on – simply because it’s the easy option. However, in our professional roles, the easy option is n...

Financial planning and pension information Hub

Financial Crossword

Financial planning and pension information Hub

Lifetime ISA update

Lifetime ISA holders who withdraw from their account before 5th April 2021 will effectively face no penalty, after the Government announced changes to its rules. People whose income has been affected by Coronav...

Planning for retirement
Financial planning and pension information Hub

Investments update – Property funds

We all know that the present situation is unprecedented and there are lots of changes we are all experiencing, many for the very first time. We are all aware of the health and hygiene challenges and many people...

An empty railway sorting station or terminal with lots of junction, crossroads, semaphore showing red or green light, in a bright sunset light. The difficulty of finding the right way concept

DC Trust, Master Trust or contract based – which would you choose?

With the ongoing improvements in regulation and increased requirements around running your own trust-based scheme, many employers and Trustees are considering switching, but what is best for your members and th...


Are pensions valued as an employee benefit?

Are pensions valued as an employee benefit, both by staff and by employers as a recruitment and retention tool? Pensions are often talked about as a requirement under the 3 Rs, Recruitment, Retention and Reward...