The Broadstone Academy is back, and better than ever!
This summer, Broadstone’s experts from across the business are using their wide-
ranging experience in the pensions industry to give the next generation of Trustees a
fantastic opportunity to reinforce and expand their knowledge of the pension
Uptake has already far exceeded expectations, demonstrating the appetite for
information after a year of a change in the sector following events like the interest-
rate hiking cycle and the defined benefit Funding Code and general code.
What is the Academy?
Broadstone’s leading professionals from the business’ administration, consultancy,
actuarial and investment specialisms will deliver enjoyable and interactive sessions to
Trustees wanting to learn more about pensions.
The daily sessions will run for three weeks, from May 18 th to June 8 th , lasting roughly an
hour including time for Q&A to discuss any questions attendees may have from the
And in case you can’t make one of the sessions, everything will be recorded and
linked on the website so that you can easily re-watch the session at a time convenient
for you!
Similarly, if attendees want to build their expertise in more areas, later on this year the
Academy will be holding additional sessions to cover topics like pension dashboards,
ESG, buy-out and the general-code.
What will I get out of each session?
A huge amount of interesting knowledge and discussions on all things pensions.
During the programme, the Academy will cover a core curriculum founded on The
Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) toolkit. This means sessions on a breadth of topics
including the legal framework, DB funding, Investment Strategy, PPF, pension scams,
DC schemes and more.
The aim of every session is to refresh Trustees’ knowledge of the industry or to give
those entirely new to pensions the core information they need to act as a Trustee or
help employers manage their pension schemes.
The sessions are all free to attend, and very accessible, with the sole objective of
attendees leaving knowing much more than before they joined.
So, with further big regulatory and legislative changes in the pipeline for the next few
years, the Broadstone Academy really is a fantastic opportunity to solidify Trustees’
understanding of the industry and enjoy thought-provoking discussions about its
How can I get involved?
To view the session timetable, or to register your interest in a session, click this link: